As many of you have heard, we have several churches live on our new mobile app that we have been calling 3.0. In fact, we are releasing our latest version, 3.4, starting this week.
If you are one of the churches that is live or that has a test app, there is nothing you need to do. If you are in the setup phase, then as soon as you notify us that you are ready for a test app, your app will be built with the 3.4 version. We will push a new version to all churches over the next two weeks (pending approvals from Apple and Google) and you can start using it immediately. **Note that some features might require a setting to be toggled on or a field to be updated, but that should be all you need to do.
See below for the full list of features included in this release. We want to bring attention to one change that we are making in this version is to simplify the version numbering. Any numbers that previously showed before the “3.” are now gone. If in two weeks, you see a version number (at the bottom of the main menu) that does not say Version 3.4, please check your app store to make sure you are running the latest version and if there is not an update to install, please contact Support.

Version 3.4 Release Notes
- Attendance
- Leaders of Involvements can take attendance
- Setting to enable attendance, can also be restricted by Involvement type
- Settings for how many days forward and back to show meetings
- Home Feed
- Feed code re-written to support future enhancements
- Channel posts cannot be reported anymore
- Posting from a channel is now supported from the home page
- Prayer Requests
- Added option to archive and mark as answered
- Improved prayer feed scrolling
- Added ability to limit how many days back to display requests
- Media
- Thumbnails for all media types now pull from media & resources
- Start/End time filtering is respected
- Miscellaneous
- Adjusted timeout if user is actively using the app
- New app store settings & validation of settings for pushing updates
- Support for showing the engagement score on the badges tab
- Support for multi-campus churches, including filtering events, prayers, and channels by campus and allowing users to edit their campus. All based on settings.
If your church is still running the 2.0 app and would like to be included in one of the next kick-off calls for 3.0, you can sign up here.
You can view a full list of app 3.0 versions and their respective release notes here.